All Choir Rehearsal

First Presbyterian Church [YS] 314 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, Ohio

All choir in person rehearsal. Wear N95 or KN95 masks. We will be distanced.

Event with Sisters of the Precious Blood

Meet at 11:15 am at the Chapel Directions from Tom Bensman to Sisters of the Precious Blood. Do NOT use the Salem address when trying to find the location if you do not use the directions below. (The entrance you want is in the 4000 block of Denlinger) Leave a little time. It is really Trotwood […]

Rehearsal for “Seven Last Words”

First Presbyterian Church [YS] 314 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, Ohio

We'll be working on "Seven Last Words" at YS Presbyterian Church

All Choir Rehearsal

First Presbyterian Church [YS] 314 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, Ohio

Rehearsing at YS Presbyterian Church

All Choir Rehearsal

First Presbyterian Church [YS] 314 Xenia Ave., Yellow Springs, Ohio

Rehearsing at YS Presbyterian Church

World House Choir