The World House Choir will join forces with the Jeremy Winston Chorale International in concert on Saturday, April 29, at 7:00 pm at the Kettering Adventist Church, 3939 Stonebridge, Kettering. All are welcome and admission is free.
The highly acclaimed and internationally recognized Jeremy Winston Chorale is a professional ensemble. It is a privilege to collaborate with these brilliant young choral musicians.
Saturday’s concert highlights short sets by each choral group followed by a set with the combined ensembles. The eclectic program features traditional spirituals (Battle of Jericho and Hold On) and more contemporary justice anthems (Say Her Name, Rise Up, and Sing Out/March On).
The program is entitled, “A New Time for Choral Music,” also features a newly commissioned work written expressly for the Jeremy Winston Chorale and the World House Choir by Tiffany Cuaresma. Ms. Cuaresma, a 22-year-old composer, vocalist, and activist will fly from San Diego for the premiere performance of Serenity, a work for an unaccompanied SSAATB chorus. The poem, by Latina Gabriela Mistral, was written in Spanish and translated by the composer.
Ms. Cuaresma is part of an organization called Luna Composition Lab that provides mentorship and an array of educational and professional resources for female, non-binary, and gender non-conforming composers ages 13-24.
Since 2019 the Jeremy Winston Chorale and the World House Choir have shared the stage for a concert in the spring. We gathered four years ago in a Peace and Unity Concert when the Klu Klux Klan marched at Court House Square. After the pandemic lull last year we performed together the dramatic Seven Last Words of the Unarmed by Joel Thompson. That concert also featured the performance of Fortune’s Bones: A Manumission Requiem by Dr. Ysaye Maria Barnwell who was present for the performance.