Call time is 8:00pm at the venue, Grace Methodist in Dayton. The program actually starts at 7:00pm, and you are welcome to come early if you'd like to attend entire event. We will sing sometime between 8:00pm and 10:00pm. Stay tuned for more information. Dress: colors on top, black on the bottom. Car pools gather […]
Call time is at 3:00pm at the venue. Car pools gather at Coretta Scott King Center at 2:15pm, leave promptly at 2:25pm. Event runs from 12:00pm until 4:00pm should you want to attend entire program. World House sings from 3:30pm until 4:00pm and is the closing performance. Dress: colors on top, black on bottom.
Graduation is scheduled from 10am - 1pm, we will have a sound check at some earlier time to be announced. Dress is black on the bottom and colors up top.