All Choir Rehearsal

Foundry Theater

Rehearsal in Foundry Theater, Antioch College Campus

Sing for Edith

House of Joy 3220 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH

Arrive by 12:45, be ready to rehearse/sing at 1:00pm. Dress: Black or beige on bottom, solid colors on top.

Juneteenth Celebration

John Bryan Community Center 100 Dayton Street, Yellow Springs, OH

Meet at Bryan Center at 11:45am . We sing throughout program which runs from approx. 1-3pm. Dress, black or beige on bottom, colors up top.

Antioch Graduation Ceremony

Antioch College - front of Main Building 1 Morgan Place, Yellow Springs, OH

Call time is 8:30am, ceremony at 10am. Dress black on the bottom, colors on top.

World House Choir