If you’ve ever thought about joining the World House Choir, now is the time.
We are accepting new singers on Monday, November 27th. Choir rehearsals are held each Monday from 7-8:30 pm at the Foundry Theater [920 Corry St., Yellow Springs] on the campus of Antioch College.
All new singers are asked to arrive at 6:00pm on Monday November 27th for orientation and voice placement.
The World House Choir sings to uplift and inspire. We work to build community and unite singers and our audiences. We strive to sing music that connects us to issues of justice and peace. All voice parts are welcomed.
On site childcare is offered on an “as needed” basis. If you need childcare, please email Abby at abbyinthevale@gmail.com before we begin on November 27.
For further information email worldhousechoir@gmail.com.